Børns deltagelse og børneforskerens etiske dilemmaer


  • Kim Rasmussen




Children’s participation children with disabilities, ethical dilemmas in research, visual methodology


The article refers to the experiences of a con- crete action research project in which 12 chil- dren between 4 and 6 years with mental dis- abilities were invited to photograph everyday life. At the same time the article highlights a number of ethical issues and dilemmas the re- searcher is confronted with, when he/she invite children to participate. Participation and ethics in such a project. This is done in order to an- swer three questions:

– What does participation mean and what are the ethical dilemmas about children’s participation?

  • –  Require research with special children spe- cial ethics?

–  Requires a study using visual methods a special research ethics?

The article concludes that participation stu- dies always will raise ethical dilemmas and the researcher must be prepared to solve these “situated”: It also conclude that the ethics of a project that invites children with special needs to participate, should not differ from the ethics in any other research project: all children have right to participate and all need care and protection simultaneously. Finally it is recommended that the researcher examines the laws and rules governing the places where research takes place and that the researcher obtains the permits necessary to avoid creating problems for both children as informants, as for the research.




How to Cite

Rasmussen, K. (2011). Børns deltagelse og børneforskerens etiske dilemmaer. Nordiske Udkast, 39(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/nu.v39i1.134471


