At føle meget : Affektive relationer i SKAM fanfællesskaber


  • Ida Malene Hartmann Rasmussen cand mag. i Moderne kultur og kulturformidling –
  • Bjarki Valtysson Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet –



Fans, fællesskab, affektive relationer, tværmedialitet, SKAM-blog


This article investigates SKAM’s transmedia storytelling with specific focus on the affective relations between fans on the SKAM blog ( Empirically, the article is based on data extracted from a focus group conducted with SKAM-fans and a qualitative content analysis of the communication found in the commentary section on the blog. Results indicate that SKAM’s strategic use of transmedia storytelling is experienced by fans as authentic, and contributes to the emergence of affective online publics, where emotions and feelings run high.


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How to Cite

Hartmann Rasmussen, I. M., & Valtysson, B. (2017). At føle meget : Affektive relationer i SKAM fanfællesskaber. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab Og Kulturformidling, 6(2), 99–104.