“Drengen, som ikke kunne holde vejret under vand” – en analyse af mediets funktion i manifestationen af “Evak”


  • Lea Laura Michelsen cand.mag. i Moderne Kultur og Kulturformidling, Københavns Universitet, lealaura@live.dk




Medier, temporalitet, hetero og queer tid, barnet, ekstase, paralleluniverser


This article explores how main characters Isak and Even in the Norwegian web series SKAM (Season 3) cultivate “Evak”. I investigate how different kinds of media function as a means for Isak and Even to explore a different kind of temporal structuring: queer time. I do this through the concepts of media and temporality and in a theoretical framework composed by media philosophy and queer studies. I argue that by residing in different time warps, effected by these mediations, Isak and Even step out of a heteronormative structuring of time. I thereby conclude that they, in ecstasy, manifest themselves as Evak, reclaiming their “here and now” earlier disturbed by heteronormative life forms.


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How to Cite

Michelsen, L. L. (2017). “Drengen, som ikke kunne holde vejret under vand” – en analyse af mediets funktion i manifestationen af “Evak”. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab Og Kulturformidling, 6(2), 27–33. https://doi.org/10.7146/ntik.v6i2.99059