Billedindeksering og sociale medier


  • Susanne Ørnager Institut for kommunikation, Københavns Universitet
  • Haakon Lund Institut for kommunikation, Københavns Universitet



Billedindeksering, sociale medier, billedgenfinding, fotografier, billedfacetter, litteraturanalyse af billeder, PRISMA Grounded Theory, citationsanalyse af billeder, billedbehandling, tekstgenkendelse, billedalgoritmer


This article focuses on the methodologies, organization, and communication of digital image collection research that utilizes social media content. “Image” is here understood as a cultural, conventional, and commercial—stock photo—representation. Two methodologies i.e. PRISMA and Grounded Theory are employed to examine, categorize and analyze images and comprehend how humans consider them. The literature review covers research since 2005, when major social media platforms emerged. It demonstrates that the images on social media have not changed the overall direction of research into image indexing and retrieval, though new topics on crowdsourcing and tagging have emerged in it. A citation analysis includes an overview of co-citation maps that demonstrate the nexus of image research literature and the journals in which they appear. The results point to new possibilities influencing the research by providing large image collections as new testbeds for improving or testing research hypothesis on a new scale.


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How to Cite

Ørnager, S., & Lund, H. (2019). Billedindeksering og sociale medier. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab Og Kulturformidling, 8(1), 2–21.


