Cui bono? Nodes of Participation in the Maker Movement

- A Case Analysis of FabLabs and Makerspaces in German- and Arabic-speaking countries


  • Sissy-Ve Basmer-Birkenfeld Department of Design and Production Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University
  • Jan-Hauke Branding Department of Design and Production Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University
  • Sonja Buxbaum-Conradi Department of Design and Production Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University
  • Babasile Daniel Oladele-Emmanuel Department of Design and Production Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University
  • Tobias Redlich Department of Design and Production Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University
  • Jens Wulfsberg Department of Design and Production Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University



Makerspace; FabLab; participation; co-creation; digital manufacturing


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How to Cite

Basmer-Birkenfeld, S.-V., Branding, J.-H., Buxbaum-Conradi, S., Oladele-Emmanuel, B. D., Redlich, T., & Wulfsberg, J. (2018). Cui bono? Nodes of Participation in the Maker Movement: - A Case Analysis of FabLabs and Makerspaces in German- and Arabic-speaking countries. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab Og Kulturformidling, 7(2), 19–31.