“Drengen, som ikke kunne holde vejret under vand” – en analyse af mediets funktion i manifestationen af “Evak”
Medier, temporalitet, hetero og queer tid, barnet, ekstase, paralleluniverserResumé
This article explores how main characters Isak and Even in the Norwegian web series SKAM (Season 3) cultivate “Evak”. I investigate how different kinds of media function as a means for Isak and Even to explore a different kind of temporal structuring: queer time. I do this through the concepts of media and temporality and in a theoretical framework composed by media philosophy and queer studies. I argue that by residing in different time warps, effected by these mediations, Isak and Even step out of a heteronormative structuring of time. I thereby conclude that they, in ecstasy, manifest themselves as Evak, reclaiming their “here and now” earlier disturbed by heteronormative life forms.Referencer
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