Fraseologiske enheders indplacering i Jysk Ordbog
The topic is presented within a framework of relevant overview schemata in Lüger
1999 and on the basis of especially the latest published parts of the Jutlandic Dictionary
(, from HA- to HU-. Comments are made as to the terminological
discussion of e.g. “phraseologisms”, “phrasemes”: they may be used as terms not only for
units below sentence-level, but also for idioms with sentence-structure (cf. chapters 2–3).
Particular attention is drawn to “one-word-phrasemes” (juxtapositions, chap. 2.3), and to
“phraseme-lemmas”, i.e. lemmas created just to account for a special phraseme (chap. 4).
Concludingly, the microstructures of very large articles (nouns and verbs) are inspected
as to the precise placing of the large amount of set phrases (chap. 5).
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