Norsk Ordbok 2014 - rammer og utfordringar
Norsk Ordbok 2014 is the na me of a new ambitious lcxieographieal projeet thai got started J une l sl
2002. But even though the projeet organization is new, at the heart of the projeet lies an old wellcstablished
dietionary. The artielc will focus on the rclationship between the «old» Norsk Ordbok and
the new guiding eonditions set by the projcct. One may choosc to focus on how to protcct or preserve
the dietionary in the faee of the new organization, thai is to sec the rclationship as a confliet; or one may
foeus more positivcly, and try to cstablish how the dictionary will be changcd and cvcn improvcd as a
conscqucncc of the new projcct conditions. Both pcrspcctivcs will be aetivatcd in the articlc. First, howcvcr,
a short outlinc will be given of both the dictionary itsclf and the projcct organization.
Nordisk Forening for Leksikografi/NSL og forfatterne.