Retention of Staff in Nordic Healthcare— A Literature Review




Health, Working Environment & Wellbeing, Employment, Wages, Unemployment & Rehabilitation


The Nordic healthcare sector faces severe staff shortages.This paper is based on a rapid literature review, including 73 papers published between 2010 and 2020, addressing retention issues in the sector.The aim is to compile and discuss empirical research on retention of staff within Nordic healthcare.The paper fills an existing gap providing a comprehensive picture of crucial factors for retaining staff in the sector. Findings include that most studies were quantitative, often surveys, and mostly focusing on registered nurses and/or physicians/medical doctors. Further, high control, high levels of social support, good leadership, satisfactory opportunities for professional development, organizational continuity, reasonable demands, including absence of heavy physical exertion, were all shown to positively impact retention rates. While the results to some extent were as expected, they highlight key areas for healthcare employers, as well as policymakers at various levels, to concentrate on for improving staff retention within their organizations.

Author Biographies

Fredrik Sjögren, Luleå University of Technology, Human Work Science

Senior lecturer

Karolina Parding, Luleå University of Technology, Human Work Science



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How to Cite

Sjögren, F., & Parding, K. (2024). Retention of Staff in Nordic Healthcare— A Literature Review. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies.


