Adaptive, Persistent, and Available Support: The Crucial Way in Healthcare during Covid-19




Health, Working Environment & Wellbeing, Work/Life Balance, Organization & Management


The aim of this study was to gain knowledge about the work of crisis managers in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative and exploratory approach was used with crisis managers who had worked at five different emergency hospitals in one of the Swedish metropolitan regions. An inductive thematic analysis was performed. Major emphasis was placed on the importance of work processes aiming for a high level of accessibility, including having a tangible physical presence in the workplace, plus actively reaching out to the staff. The crisis support provided was adapted to provide a stabilizing factor, promote stamina, and increase motivation. It also included a continuous assessment of mental health status and focused on strengthening management functions. Initially, the support was more focused on stress and anxiety, but then gradually shifted towards maintaining stamina and motivation

Author Biographies

Maria Wramsten Wilmar, University of Gothenburg


PhD Psychology, Department of Psychology. E-mail:

Hanna Lesauvage, Falck Healthcare

Specialist in Clinical Psychology


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How to Cite

Wilmar, M. W., & Lesauvage, H. (2024). Adaptive, Persistent, and Available Support: The Crucial Way in Healthcare during Covid-19. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies.


