Ethnic Diversity and Firm Performance in Norway




Employment, Wages, Unemployment & Rehabilitation, Innovation & Productivity, Gender, Ethnicity, Age and Diversity


Ethnic diversity has received increased research attention in Nordic countries; however, only a few
studies have looked at it from the perspective of firms. In this study, we analyze whether changes
in ethnic diversity among staff and in management affect firm performance. We also test whether
productivity gains from diversity are due to immigrants being hired in low-paying jobs by analyzing
how the association between diversity and productivity is affected by immigrants’ positions in firms’
wage distributions. Our results suggest a positive relationship between changes in ethnic diversity
within firms and firm productivity. The association strengthens if firms have more diversity in management and immigrants higher up in their wage distribution. This suggests that our results are not driven by firms that hire immigrants in low-paying positions. Possible mechanisms to increase firm productivity through ethnic diversity include wider recruitment and activation of diversified human
capital and more inclusive firm policies.

Author Biographies

Janis Umblijs, Institute for Social Research

Senior Research Fellow. E-mail:

Ida Drange, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University

Research Professor, Work Research Institute/DISCO, Diversity Centre Oslo

Julia Orupabo, Institute for Social Research

Senior Research Fellow


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How to Cite

Umblijs, J., Drange, I., & Orupabo, J. (2023). Ethnic Diversity and Firm Performance in Norway. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 13(4).


