Migrants’ Work Environment in the Danish Construction Sector: a Scoping Study





Health, Working Environment & Wellbeing, Employment, Wages, Unemployment & Rehabilitation, Gender, Ethnicity, Age and Diversity, Identity, Meaning & Culture


This study of existing research maps out what is known about the work environment of migrant workers employed in the construction sector in Denmark. Through the systematic approach offered by a scoping study and using two conceptual models identifying determinants of worker health and safety as analytical frameworks, we identify an overall paucity of research concerned specifically with the health and safety of migrants. A broader literature shows that migrants are vulnerable workers who are channeled into 3D jobs and face job insecurity. Migrants also face poor treatment and segregation. We conclude by identifying 10 gaps in the current literature, including a lack of valid evidence concerning accidents and risks.

Author Biographies

Charlotte Overgaard, Aalborg University

Postdoc, Centre for Labour Market Research. E-mail: chov@dps.aau.dk

Magnus Jespersen, Aalborg University

Research Assistant, Centre for Labour Market Research

Laust Høgedahl, Aalborg University

Associate Professor, Centre for Labour Market Research

Trine Lund Thomsen, Aalborg University

Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Learning


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How to Cite

Overgaard, C., Jespersen, M., Høgedahl, L., & Thomsen, T. L. (2023). Migrants’ Work Environment in the Danish Construction Sector: a Scoping Study. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.18291/njwls.135435


