Hybrid Work Patterns: A Latent Class Analysis of Platform Workers in Denmark





Employment, Wages, Unemployment & Rehabilitation


This paper presents a novel approach for studying differences and similarities among platform workers, by taking into account the wider labor market position of platform workers. Analytically, we seek inspiration from literature on labor market segmentation (SLM) and multiple jobholding (MJH) to nuance the often-dichotomized view of labor markets characterized by SLM theory. By using survey data from a set of additional questions tied to the Danish LFS, we apply latent class analysis models to discover patterns of labor market divisions among platform workers in Denmark. We identify three major groups of platform workers, and while all of them have multiple income sources, they have very different labor market positions in the traditional labor market. We categorize them as ‘established workers’, ‘transitional workers’, and ‘new labor market entrants’. These divisions point to marked differences among platform workers, implying that platform work is characterized by varying blends of labor market hybridity.

Author Biographies

Jonas Hulgård Kristiansen, University of Copenhagen

PhD Student, Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS). E-mail: jhk@faos.dk

Trine Pernille Larsen, University of Copenhagen

Associate Professor, Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS)

Anna Ilsøe, University of Copenhagen

Associate Professor, Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS)


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How to Cite

Kristiansen, J. H., Larsen, T. P., & Ilsøe, A. (2022). Hybrid Work Patterns: A Latent Class Analysis of Platform Workers in Denmark. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 13(S10). https://doi.org/10.18291/njwls.133721