The Experience Qualities Approach to Leadership and Employee Well-being




Health, Working Environment & Wellbeing, Organization & Management


A phenomenological psychology approach in organizational studies has been somewhat overlooked, particularly in research on leadership and employee well-being. This study presents a new way of examining leadership and employee well-being. A novel experience qualities approach was utilized with the aim of revealing the authentic structure of human experiences, particularly experience qualities such as emotions, knowledge, and assumptions. This study investigated the role of leadership in creating employee well-being experiences in a professional organization. The data were collected from 23 in-depth interviews conducted with company leaders and employees in Finland and then analyzed using the phenomenological method. The results indicated affirmative similarities and differences (experience domains) in experience qualities of well-being between leaders and employees. By identifying different experience qualities of well-being, leaders can promote their own and employees’ well-being more precisely and effectively. Practical implications for leaders are discussed.

Author Biographies

Ilkka Salmi, University of Lapland

University teacher. E-mail:

Ville Pietiläinen, University of Lapland

Senior lecturer

Antti Syväjärvi, University of Lapland

Professor of Administrative Science


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How to Cite

Salmi, I., Pietiläinen, V., & Syväjärvi, A. (2021). The Experience Qualities Approach to Leadership and Employee Well-being. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 11(2).


