Freedom but Insecurity: the Business Consulting Profession in the Post-Industrial Service Society




Employment, Wages, Unemployment & Rehabilitation, Work/Life Balance, Labor Market Institutions & Social Partners, Organization & Management


In the post-industrial era, the service sector has been expanding and professional tasks have been transformed into service-oriented knowledge work, that is, the business consulting profession. The variety of employment patterns has increased with the deregulation of the labor market, and the employment pattern of those professionals working in the service sector has been characterized by short-term assignments and employment contracts. Despite this contingent employment, the position of the business consulting professionals in the labor market is not necessarily degrading, as they are highly-qualified and competent actors, who can deal with the challenges of the business world. Thus, their position and coping strategies relate not only to the precarious employment but also to their professional, independent work. The study deals with the dilemma of insecurity and freedom of business consulting professionals, which is recognized in the Nordic countries. The methodology is qualitative.

Author Biography

Arja Haapakorpi, Tampere University

Work Research Centre WRC. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Haapakorpi, A. (2020). Freedom but Insecurity: the Business Consulting Profession in the Post-Industrial Service Society. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 11(1).


