Anmeldelse af Pia Virtanen: Zur Geschichte der finnisch-deutschen Lexikographie 1888-1991. Studien zur Makrostruktur
The purpose of the book is on one hand to give a short review of the history of
Finnish-German lexicography and its present state. In this respect it is quite
successful. On the other hand it presents its readers with an empirical experiment of
how to investigate, compare and evaluate the macrostructure in a couple of
dictionaries. In reality the investigation is concemed with the lemmas rather than the
whole macrostructure. The results presented are of no greater value statistically on
account of the modest number of words included, but the method shown is interesting
and could be useful if applied to larger masses of words.
Anmeldt værk:
Pia Virtanen: Zur Geschichte der finnisch-deutschen Lexikographie
1888-1991. Studien zur Makrostruktur. Studien zur zweisprachigen
Lexikographie 1. red. Herbert Ernst Wiegand. Germanistische
Linguistik 114. Olms. Hildesheim 1993
LexicoNordica og forfatterne