Polysemi, kontekst og fraseologi i tospråklige ordbøker


  • Kåre Nilsson


In this paper the author discusses some matters of principle regarding the concepts of
polysemy, context and phraseology as applied to bilingual lexicography. Furthermore,
he reflects upon how !hese concepts mesh into each other when used for
lexicographical purposes in a contrastive analysis of two languages. Using examples
from translation problems experienced in the relationship between Norwegian and
Portuguese/Spanish, the author focuses on factors of relevance as regards the editing
of bilingual dictionaries in general, and how these factors could or should be considered
within the frame of reference taken as the point of departure of the present paper.





Nilsson, K. (1994). Polysemi, kontekst og fraseologi i tospråklige ordbøker. LexicoNordica, (1). Hentet fra https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/19009