Man vil ikke se noget, som man ser. Man vil ikke se noget således som man ser det


  • Hjalmar P. Petersen


This article is about the edition of a Danish-Faroese Dictionary published by Føroya Fró›skaparfelag in December -95. It is also about the situation of Faroese as a language, and the author's conclusion is that the language is not a dying language. Loanwords are written according to Faroese phonology and morphology. The prin-ciple behind this is to be seen in the article. The name of the article shall be seen as a criticism of the Faroese purism, which sometimes is rather extreme in it's denial of the actual language situation, making it very difficult for people to use the language in everyday communication. This has changed since the publication of the dictionary, and people are now able to use e.g. loanwords authorised in a dictionary.




How to Cite

Petersen, H. P. (1997). Man vil ikke se noget, som man ser. Man vil ikke se noget således som man ser det. LexicoNordica, (4). Retrieved from