Ny dansk ordbog i seks bind for sekretærer og forskere


  • Henning Bergenholtz
  • Vibeke Vrang


A new Scandinavian dictionary is in course of publication. The first volume of Den
Danske Ordbog has been issued, and the sixth and last volume will be published in
2005. According to the publicity the dictionary will be very useful to an extensive
user group consisting of pupils, students, teachers, researchers, journalists,
secretaries, translators, writers, librarians, and – as it is put – people who are
generally interested in keeping up with the development of the Danish language
concurrently with the social and cultural changes. This contribution demonstrates
that the dictionary partly, but only partly lives up to its own objective.





Bergenholtz, H., & Vrang, V. (2004). Ny dansk ordbog i seks bind for sekretærer og forskere. LexicoNordica, (11). Hentet fra https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18700