The role of AI chatbots in scaffolding: Linking learning outcomes with assessment




Emerging discussions highlight how the chatbots' role in education is based on fundamental views of technology as beneficial or an unnecessary disturbance in learning and assessment.  However, no technologies can be said to be value-neutral, and technological euphoria often blinds us to the unintended consequences of their use.  There is a need for a practical understanding gained from value-based perspectives of how the encoded experiences created by ChatGPT change the teaching of students. This article contributes to the field of educational research as only limited attention has been given to higher education's student's reflections on the pedagogical use of AI chatbots for learning and assessment.

The article discusses, through empirical findings, constructive alignment between learning objectives and assessment when using AI chatbots. The data collection is based on students' reflective experiences using ChatGPT. These reflective experiences are discussed through conversations within focus group interviews. Based on the empirical findings, the paper reveals a conceptual framework for teachers' use and assessment of ChatGPT for scaffolding learning among students. 

Author Biography

Susanne Dau, Professionshøjskolen UCN

Programleder og Docent for forskningsprogrammet Professionsudvikling og Uddannelsesforskning, Forskningsafdelingen UCN, ph.d, MLP, RN.


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How to Cite

Dau, S., Jensen, C. G., & Gade, P. (2024). The role of AI chatbots in scaffolding: Linking learning outcomes with assessment. Learning Tech, 9(14), 73–97.