Affektiv literacy og digitale teknologier

Når vi skriver og læser med maskiner


  • Michael Jensen Aalborg Universitet, UC Lillebælt



This article is about literacy and digital technologies, and what it means to write and read in a digitalized everyday life. With the concept digital literacy, the article discusses the implications of digitalization for education, Danish teaching and everyday writers and readers. In a posthumous perspective, the need to develop more nuanced and adequate approaches to digital literacy is argued. For this to happen, it is necessary partly to challenge notions of the autonomous, self-governing writer and reader, and partly to challenge the underlying humanistic and anthropocentric understanding of digital technologies. Based on affect theory, the goal is to establish an affective and post-critical literacy. The article suggest that an updated digital literacy in education and Danish teaching is a response-ability that is not primarily about designing, analyzing and criticizing, but more about stepping into an ethical and affective relationship with technology.


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2023-03-24 — Updated on 2023-03-29


How to Cite

Jensen, M. (2023). Affektiv literacy og digitale teknologier: Når vi skriver og læser med maskiner. Learning Tech, 8(13), 126–148. (Original work published March 24, 2023)