Undersøgende STEM undervisning med læringsplatforme - almendidaktisk infrastruktur til fagdidaktisk arbejde


  • Andreas Lindenskov Tamborg
  • Jonas Dreyøe
  • Stig Toke Gissel
  • Morten Misfeldt




This article investigates the possibilities and limitations in planning inquiry-based teaching sessions in STEM education within digital platforms, as well as how the platforms influences this. The empirical foundation for the article is two teaching sequences developed within the same digital learning platform, where one of these sequences were developed deliberately to meet an inquiry-based approach. The theoretical point of departure is instrumental genesis from cognitive ergonomy as well as principles from inquiry-based teaching. The article shows that parts of platform’s design hinders the possibilities to plan teaching with an inquiry-based approach. We also show that the teachers has the possibility to adapt the platform to their wishes and needs, but that this require that the teachers has articulated and clear didactical principles and pedagogical intentions for their teaching practice and their didactical choices.




How to Cite

Tamborg, A. L., Dreyøe, J., Gissel, S. T., & Misfeldt, M. (2019). Undersøgende STEM undervisning med læringsplatforme - almendidaktisk infrastruktur til fagdidaktisk arbejde. Learning Tech, 4(6), 228–249. https://doi.org/10.7146/lt.v4i6.110774