Persona-driven journalism at Radio24syv
Ditte Okman’s affective labor of performing an unashamed persona
Persona-driven journalism, Radio24syv, Ditte Okman, affective labor, performance analysis, performativity, radioResumé
The article proposes an analytical approach to the study of persona-driven journalism. Drawing on concepts from performance studies, the article builds an analytical framework for engaging with empirical material where the performance of the journalist’s personality becomes a central part of the journalistic product. The analysis of journalist and radio host Ditte Okman identifies a journalism practice that draws on bodily expressivity, outspoken attitudes and the creation of a socializing media space. This practice is used to showcase an unashamed persona that creates journalism based on a performance of authenticity and sincerity, which is read as an example of doing affective labor. The main contribution of the article is to conceptualize a methodological approach to the study of persona-driven journalism practices by drawing on ideas and concepts from performance studies, thus adding methodologically to journalism studies.
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