Den journalistiske professions rolle i organisationers interne kommunikation
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profession, journalism, autonomy, altruism, esoteric knowledge, internal communication, transparencyAbstract
The article examines how journalists switching to work with internal communication in organizations find that they can apply (or fail to apply) their journalistic self-perception and skills in the role of internal communicator. The article is based on two studies, a qualitative interview study with 12 journalists who work with internal communication, and a quantitative study with 137 respondents. The study shows that communicators with a journalistic background believe that they are good at bringing the employee perspective into play, asking critical questions and writing well-told stories, while the respondents have divided opinions about whether they feel that they have the freedom to tell the stories they want. The study also points out that several organizations have realized the importance of transparent and credible internal communication, but that there is still a long way to go in terms of setting internal communication free and allowing more critical stories to see the light of day.
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