Ekspertkilder i dansk klimajournalistik
”Partseksperter” og aktivisme i klimajournalistikken
climate journalism, experts with an agenda, think tanks, activism, action instructionsAbstract
The climate field is often cited as an example of 'post-normal science' - a highly politicized field where research, attitudes and values are in many cases entangled with each other. Following on from this, the term post-normal science communication has been used to indicate that the journalistic norm of objectivity is being challenged and gradually replaced by a more activist approach. However, recent research indicates that journalistic activism is generally not accepted as a norm by climate journalists. But do we still see a shift in journalistic practice towards activism in source selection and the way sources are used? This is examined in the present article via a quantitative content analysis of 200 articles from four specialized climate media and news desks in Denmark. The analysis shows that privately employed non-researchers are frequently used as expert sources. Almost four out of 10 privately employed expert sources come from think tanks. Of these, CONCITO is by far the most used source. These "experts with an agenda" most often appear in the role of expert without having to legitimize their own status as an expert through new knowledge. Overall, the analysis indicates that climate journalism largely gives voice and authority to experts with an agenda, and that both publicly employed researchers and privately employed non-researchers are often used in action-directing functions, that is, different forms of journalistic activism. It points to a possible discrepancy between climate journalists' role perception and journalistic practice.
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