Skiftande berättarperspektiv och självkritisk reporter komplicerar bilden

Budskap och berättarteknik i tre svenska reportage-böcker om gängkriminalitet


  • Cecilia Aare Södertörns Högskola



Reportage/narrative journalism, criminal gangs, narratology, media rhetoric, narrative compassion, narrative empathy


What messages do three recently published reportage books convey about Swedish gang criminality and what kinds of narrative techniques are used in the stories? With a mix of narratological and media rhetorical analysis methods, this article investigates how content and narrative form interact in Mammorna by Alexandra Pascalidou, Familjen by Johanna Bäckström Lerneby and Tills alla dör by Diamant Salihu. One conclusion is that varying narrative perspectives can counteract one-sidedness, while narrative compassion without parallel narrative empathy can block the reader’s ability to imagine the situation of the depicted people. Dramatized events may heighten the reader’s sense of being present in the story, while a reporter questioning his own authority encourages the reader to avoid simplistic conclusions. Finally, descriptions of persons and selections of facts in the three books contribute to different messages. The study illustrates that the genre of reportage/narrative journalism, thanks to its narrative form, has the potential to depict social problems in complex ways. This is especially true when the depiction is combined with solid factual research.


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How to Cite

Aare, C. (2023). Skiftande berättarperspektiv och självkritisk reporter komplicerar bilden: Budskap och berättarteknik i tre svenska reportage-böcker om gängkriminalitet. Journalistica, 17(1), 38–63.



Special Issue: Nordic Narratives: Embracing narrative journalism in the Nordic countries