Ekspertkilder i landsdækkende danske dagblade
Hvem er de, og hvilke roller og funktioner optræder de i?
experts, sources, roles, trustworthiness, source criticismAbstract
Expert sources appear everywhere in the media and contribute to giving journalism authority and credibility. But the experts form a motley group and are used in very different roles and functions. There is a lack of current research-based knowledge about who they are and what they are used for. In this article, both of these aspects are examined. We carry out a content analysis of four weeks of coverage in 2021 in the three largest nationwide dailies in Denmark (Jyllands-Posten, Politiken and Berlingske Tidende) and compare the results with existing research. Almost half of the dailies' expert sources are privately employed non-researchers. Economists and other social studies graduates make up 79 percent of these. Among the research sources, women make up 22 percent. Women researchers from the natural sciences are particularly underrepresented. 86 percent of the research sources comment on current events and other people's research, while 14 percent comment on their own research. In 98 percent of the articles with expert sources, one or more expert sources are cast to provide assessments. The results raise questions about journalists' criteria for selecting expert sources and whether journalists assign expert sources their authority function on a sufficiently source-critical basis.
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