Queering Kritische Psychologie

Intersections between Queer Feminist Approaches and German Critical Psychology


  • Lisa Malich Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Studies, University of Lübeck https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9013-8681
  • Tanja Vogler Department of Gender Medicine and Diversity, Medical University of Innsbruck




Critical Psychology, Queer-feminism, Subject-science, Marxism, New materialisms


This paper aims at connecting the Berlin school of Critical psychology with queer feminist theories by focusing on the concept of condition-meaning-reason (Bedingungs-Bedeutungs-Begründungsanalyse, BBBA). To this end, we will first discuss basic aspects of the BBBA concept, which forms an important analytical tool of German Critical psychology. Second, we will present possible connecting lines to queer feminist approaches. In so doing, we will argue that the concept of conditions offers links to feminist theories of New Materialism and (Neo)Marxist Critique. The concept of meaning contains parallels to the Foucauldian concept of discourse, which is central to Butler’s theories of performativity and various subsequent queer feminist schools of thought. In turn, the concept of reason provides an opportunity to understand why subjects who live in similar material conditions and social constellations of meaning act differently. The fictional example of single mothers serves to illustrate the facets of the BBBA concept and the condition/meaning/reason analysis. In this way, we want to emphasise the potential of Critical psychology for queer feminist approaches and break new ground methodologically by integrating the previously divergent insights of Marxist, poststructuralist and psychosocial critiques.

Author Biographies

Lisa Malich, Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Studies, University of Lübeck

Lisa Malich, Dipl.-Psych., PhD, is an assistant professor for the History of Knowledge of Psychology at the Universität zu Lübeck. Her research focuses on gender studies, especially concepts of emotion and reproduction, and the history of psychotherapy in the 20th century.

Tanja Vogler, Department of Gender Medicine and Diversity, Medical University of Innsbruck

Tanja Vogler, MSc, is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Education Science at the University of Innsbruck. Her focus is on discourse research, critical psychology, queer theory, and social movement research. Recently she became a research assistant at the medical university of Innsbruck.




How to Cite

Malich, L., & Vogler, T. (2021). Queering Kritische Psychologie: Intersections between Queer Feminist Approaches and German Critical Psychology. International Review of Theoretical Psychologies, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/irtp.v1i1.127090



Theoretical solutions, critique and synthesis