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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, or Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Line spacing of the text is set at 1.5; the text employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in Submissions.
  • In order to ensure a blind peer review, if submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, an additional anonymized version of the manuscript has been submitted (cf. details below in the Authors' guidelines).

Author Guidelines

  • Manuscripts, which are submitted to HERMES must carefully observe the style guidelines of the journal. Since all manuscripts received by the editors are converted for processing in a desktop publishing programme, contributors should use only the formatting described here.

    Regular articles are normally between 5000 and 8000 words and normally depart from a problem statement investigated in the article.


    • Submit two versions of the manuscript, of which one is anonymized.
    • In the anonymized version, please remove any mentions of the name(s) of the author(s).
    • This includes using "Author" and year in the references and footnotes, instead of the author's name, article title, etc.
    • Furthermore, if using Microsoft Word please make sure that any author identification has been removed from the file's properties. Refer to the program's help for assistance.


    • In articles and review articles, the title of the contribution must be set as shown in the example below. The title in English manuscripts should have the first letter of each new word in capitals (except for prepositions, articles, conjunctions and particles).

      Applications of Multimodal Concordances
    • This is followed by an abstract in English of a maximum of 250 words. If the manuscript is in a language other than English, the abstract should include an English version of the title.
    • Provide your manuscript with 5-8 keywords. Separate keywords with a semi-colon (term 1; term 2; term 3).


    • Reviews and short reviews must begin with a heading containing the following details: The author’s first name and surname, year of publication, book title, publisher, number of pages and ISBN number.

      Pontrandolfo, G., & Piccioni, S. (2022). Communicación especializada y divulgación en la red. Routledge, 220 pages. ISBN 9780367190767


    • Authors are free to use the font size, font type and margins they prefer. These will be set automatically in the type setting proces. 


    • Line spacing should be set at 1.5. 


    • Headings and subheadings must be numbered in the decimal system. Do not use more than three decimal points in headings: 
    1. Introduction
    2. Specific focus
      2.1.    Surface-level features
      2.2.    Lexico-grammatical features
      2.2.1. Nominalisations 


    • In-text citations follow the guidelines of APA 7 but should as a rule refer to the relevant pages, not only to the cited work as a whole.
    • Quotations (max. 3 lines) must be incorporated into the main text and be placed inside double quotation marks. An accompanying in-text citation should be placed in parentheses after the quotation, including the relevant page number(s) in the format indicated below:

      The result is that the pamphlets share a ”set of communicative purposes” (Bhatia, 1993, p. 13) and a number of conventions and constraints.
    • Longer quotations or important passages requiring emphasis must be placed in a separate paragraph. If the author quoted is mentioned in the immediately preceding text, the in-text citation should be placed there (as in the case of quotations of no more than three lines). Otherwise, the in-text citation should be placed after the last word quoted. The quotation must be left and right indented to indicate that the text is a quotation:

      In the concluding paper, Matilla (2002, p. 173) provides the following description of linguistic studies of legal language and legal texts:

      It is characteristic of researchers who have a linguistic background that they apply quantitative methods in their studies, normally by means of computers. A typical research is formed by the occurences of different terms and other words, prefixes and suffixes, and so forth in legal language. Another important topic is the intelligibility and legibility of legal texts from a layman’s point of view. The theory of text linguistics often forms the starting point of these studies.
    • If two authors are cited, their names are separated by "and" unless mentioned in a parenthesis, in which case an ampersand, "&", must be used:
      Inspired by the American research of Hartcourt and Krizan (1989) and Spinks and Wells (1987, 1993), Verckens (1994) conducted a survey in which recruitment officers were asked to give examples of what they believed to be good and bad letters.
    • If more than two authors are cited, the name of the first author should be followed by et al.:
      As also stated by Tirkkonen-Condit et al. (2002, p. 340), the practising translator does not bother.
    • Do not use ‘ibid’ and ‘op.cit’. As shown in the examples, author name, year of publication and page number should be given at each repeated citation. Instead of ‘ff.’, please give inclusive page numbers: (Hatim & Mason, 1997, pp. 78-83). Use ‘see’ instead of  ‘cf.’ when referring to relevant works:
      See, e.g., Gilsdorf and Leonard (2001) for a comprehensive review.
      (For a more detailed discussion, see Van Els, 1984, pp. 312-332) 


    • Examples may, but do not have to, be consecutively numbered and must be without quotation marks.
      (6)  Cuba is in a unique position, and not just geographically. Because there has been little recent development, this beautiful island… 


    • Tables and figures must be consecutively numbered and have captions. Captions should be placed below tables and figures:
      Table 1. Classification of metadiscourse
      Figure 1. The Triangle model of translation  


    • Footnotes should be used only when absolutely necessary. If used, the footnote must be placed at the bottom of the page on which reference to it is made.  


    • Specialised terminology, concepts and constructs requiring emphasis should be shown in bold type:
      The model also shows the linguistic knowledge aspect that requires little analytical skill and a low level of control.
    • Linguistic objects, single words and short phrases in foreign languages, hypotheses, book titles, etc. should be italicised:
      Example 10 also contains evaluative adjectives, such as stunning, beautiful, exceptional.
      So, confianza in business settings seems to trigger friendship.
      Initially, we hypothesised that learners will be drawing on fairly similar competence elements in free, oral communication and in oral translation.
      The symposium volume The Development of Legal Language offers stimulating reading.
    • Particular phrases or expressions requiring emphasis should be placed in single quotation marks:
      Photographs were used to show the relevance of grammar to ’real life’.
      The headline ’So how would you translate that?’ is an authentic informant comment from our data.
    • Hyphens should be used in hyphenation of words and names, in compound adjectives and to separate a prefix from the rest of the word. En-dashes, i.e. long hyphens, are used in indication of time spans, as a minus sign, or as an alternative to commas around a parenthetical element (press Ctrl + numeric minus):
      Their function is to increase the content and to create – or help create – the atmosphere that the text communicates.
    • Do not underline for emphasis, etc.


    The list of references follows the guidelines of APA 7. Please include a DOI in the references if possible and available.

    References must be listed in alphabetical order. Publications by the same author(s) must be listed chronologically with the most recent item last. If the same author is listed with two or more works from a single year, they should be differentiated by suffixing letters to the publication year, e.g. 2002a, 2002b. Use initials for authors’ first names. Use italics as shown in the examples below:

    • Book, monograph or dictionary:
      Hyland, K. (2000). Disciplinary discourses: Social interactions in academic writing. Pearson.
    • Edited book:
      Bhatia, V., Candlin, C. N., & Gotti, M. (Eds.). (2003). Legal discourse in multilingual and multicultural contexts: Arbitration texts in Europe. Peter Lang.
    • Chapter in edited book:
      Facchinetti, R. (2003). The 1998 rules of the International Court of Arbitration as implemented in Italy. In V. Bhatia, C. N. Candlin & Maurizio Gotti (Eds.), Legal discourse in multilingual and multicultural contexts: Arbitration texts in Europe (pp. 155-176). Peter Lang.
    • Journal article:
      Bucholtz, M., & Hall, K. (2005). Identity and interaction: A sociocultural linguistic approach. Discourse Studies7(4-5), 585-614.
    • Webpage or other electronic source:
      Bach, K.(1998). Speech acts. In The Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy. Taylor and Francis.  


    Pontrandolfo, G. & Piccioni, S. (2022). Communicación especializada y divulgación en la red. Routledge, 220 pages. ISBN 9780367190767


  • Authors are free to use the font size, font type and margins they prefer. These will be set automatically in the type setting proces. 


  • Line spacing should be set at 1.5. 


  • Headings and subheadings must be numbered in the decimal system. Do not use more than three decimal points in headings: 
  1. Introduction
  2. Specific focus
    2.1.    Surface-level features
    2.2.    Lexico-grammatical features
    2.2.1. Nominalisations 


  • In-text references follow the guidelines of APA 7th. However, in-text references should as a rule refer to the relevant pages, not only to the cited work as a whole.
  • Citations (max. 3 lines) must be incorporated into the main text and be placed inside double quotation marks. The short reference should be placed in parentheses after the citation, including the relevant page number in the indicated format:

    The result is that the pamphlets share a ”set of communicative purposes” (Bhatia 1993, p. 13) and a number of conventions and constraints.
  • Longer citations or important passages requiring emphasis must be placed in a separate paragraph. If the author quoted is mentioned in the immediately preceding text, the short reference should be placed here (the same as with citations of max. three lines). Otherwise, the short reference should be placed after the last word cited. The citation must be left and right indented to indicate that the text is a citation:

    In the concluding paper, Matilla (2002, p. 173) provides the following description of linguistic studies of legal language and legal texts:

    It is characteristic of researchers who have a linguistic background that they apply quantitative methods in their studies, normally by means of computers. A typical research is formed by the occurences of different terms and other words, prefixes and suffixes, and so forth in legal language. Another important topic is the intelligibility and legibility of legal texts from a layman’s point of view. The theory of text linguistics often forms the starting point of these studies.
  • If two authors are cited, their names are separated by a "&":
    Inspired by the American research of Hartcourt & Krizan (1989) and Spinks & Wells (1987, 1993), Verckens (1994) conducted a survey in which recruitment officers were asked to give examples of what they believed to be good and bad letters.
  • If more than two authors are cited, the name of the first author should be followed by et al.:
    As also stated by Tirkkonen-Condit et al. (2002: 340), the practising translator does not bother.
  • Do not use ‘ibid’ and ‘op.cit’. As shown by the examples, author name, year of publication and page number should be given at each repeated reference. Instead of ‘ff.’, please give inclusive page numbers: (Hatim & Mason, 1997, pp. 78-83). Use ‘see’ instead of  ‘cf.’ when referring to relevant works:
    See, e.g., Gilsdorf & Leonard (2001) for a comprehensive review.
    (For a more detailed discussion, see Van Els, 1984, pp. 312-332) 


  • Examples could but must not be consecutively numbered and must be without quotation marks.
    (6)  Cuba is in a unique position, and not just geographically. Because there has been little recent development, this beautiful island… 


  • Tables and figures must be consecutively numbered and have captions. Captions should be placed below tables and figures:
    Table 1. Classification of metadiscourse
    Figure 1. The Triangle model of translation  


  • Footnotes should be used only when absolutely necessary. If used, the footnote must be placed at the bottom of the page to which it refers.  


  • Specialised terminology, concepts and constructs requiring emphasis should be shown in bold type:
    The model also shows the linguistic knowledge aspect that requires little analytical skill and a low level of control.
  • Linguistic objects, single words and short phrases in foreign languages, hypotheses, book titles, etc. should be italicised:
    Example 10 also contains evaluative adjectives, such as stunning, beautiful, exceptional.
    So, confianza in business settings seems to trigger friendship.
    Initially, we hypothesised that learners will be drawing on fairly similar competence elements in free, oral communication and in oral translation.
    The symposium volume The Development of Legal Language offers stimulating reading.
  • Particular phrases or expressions requiring emphasis should be placed in single quotation marks:
    Photographs were used to show the relevance of grammar to ’real life’.
    The headline ’So how would you translate that?’ is an authentic informant comment from our data.
  • Hyphens should be used in hyphenation of words and names, in compound adjectives and to separate a prefix from the rest of the word. En-dashes, i.e. long hyphens, are used in indication of time spans, as a minus sign, or as an alternative to commas around a parenthetical element (press Ctrl + numeric minus):
    Their function is to increase the content and to create – or help create – the atmosphere that the text communicates.
  • Do not underline for emphasis, etc.


The list of references follows the guidelines of APA 7th. Please include DOI to the references if possible and available.

References must be listed in alphabetical order. Publications by the same author(s) must be listed chronologically with the most recent item last. If the same author is listed with two or more works from a single year, they should be differentiated by suffixing letters to the publication year, e.g. 2002a, 2002b. Use initials for authors’ first names. Use italics as shown in the examples below:

  • Book, monograph and dictionary:
    Hyland, K. (2000). Disciplinary Discourses: Social Interactions in Academic Writing. Pearson.
  • Edited book:
    Bhatia, V., Candlin, C. N. & Gotti, M. (eds.) (2003). Legal Discourse in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts: Arbitration Texts in Europe. Peter Lang.
  • Chapter in edited book:
    Facchinetti, R. (2003). The 1998 Rules of the International Court of Arbitration as Implemented in Italy. In V. Bhatia, C. N. Candlin & Maurizio Gotti (eds.), Legal Discourse in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts: Arbitration Texts in Europe (155-176). Peter Lang.
  • Journal article:
    Paltridge, Brian (1995). Working with Genre: A Pragmatic Perspective. Journal of Pragmatics 24, 393-406.
  • Webpage or other electronic source:
    Bach, Kent. Speech Acts. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy [online]. (accessed 15 October 2022).  


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.