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Sabao, Collen
Salager-Meyer, Françoise
Salmi, Leena, University of Turku
Salmi, Leena
Salo, Pia
Sánchez-Escobedo, Pedro, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán Mérida, Yucatán
Sánchez-Jiménez, David, Department of Humanities, New York City College of Technology, CUNY
Sánchez Ramos, María del Mar, University of Alcalá
Sandbothe, Mike
Sandrini, Peter
Santana, Belén
Sasamoto, Ryoko, Dublin City University
Savoldi, Beatrice, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Schack, Jørgen
Schaeder, Burkhard
Schaeffer, Moritz Jonas, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Schäffner, Christina
Schenderra, Christian
Schjoldager, Anne, School of Communication and Culture Faculty of Arts Aarhus University
Schjoldager, Anne
Schjoldager, Anne (Denmark)
Schjoldager, Anne, Department of Language and Business Communication, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University
Schjoldager, Anne, Department of Business Communication Aarhus University
Schmied, Josef
Schrijver, Iris, Artesis University College Antwerp Department of Translators & Interpreters Schildersstraat 41 BE 2000 Antwerp
Schrijver, Iris
Schrijver, Iris, University of Antwerp, Department of Applied Linguistics/Translation & Interpreting
Schröder, Peter
Schrøder, Victoria Susanne Nydegger, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Schubert, Klaus
Schubert, Klaus, Universität Hildesheim Institut für Übersetzungswissenschaft und Fachkommunikation Marienburger Platz 22 D-31141 Hildesheim
Schwanke, Martina
Seghiri, Miriam, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Málaga
Shaw, Philip, English Department Stockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm
Shaw, Philip
Shreve, Gregory M., Kent State University New York University 167 North Prospect Street Kent, Ohio 44240
Shvanyukova, Polina
Siems, Florian U., TU Dresden
Simonnæs, Ingrid, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication Helleveien 30 N-5045 Bergen
Simonsen, Henrik Køhler
Simonsen, Henrik Køhler, Copenhagen Business School Dalgas Have 15 DK-2000 Frederiksberg (Denmark)
Sindoni, Maria Grazia, Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations, University of Messina
Skårup, Povl
Sköldberg, Emma
Skytte, Gunver
Slethaug, Gordon, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Waterloo
Söhrman, Ingmar
Solfjeld, Kaare
Solfjeld, Kåre
Søndergaard, Henning

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