Warming sciencescapes in Inari, Finland

the competing futures of forests, pastures, and reindeer during climate change


  • Jukka Nyyssönen




Prognostic narratives, Climate change, Research on pasture ecology, forestry and reindeer herding, Inari, Finland, Reindeer, 2000s-2020s


This paper asks, how research has produced prognostic narratives on sub-arctic forest ecosystem? Inari, located in the Sámi homeland, has been a site for recurring conflicts between reindeer herders and foresters over usage of the forests. Research has contributed to the dispute by producing prognoses of ecological trends in forests/ pastures. The need for solutions has become more compelling as changes induced by climate change have grown in number and severity. A siloed production of knowledge is evident, where each research cluster advances technical or traditionalist futureoriented practices as solutions to the accumulating problems.


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This article is an updated and revisioned version of an earlier publication (forthcoming), Inarin metsien käytön kilpailevat tutkimusprognoosit ilmastonmuutoksen oloissa, to be published in Vuosilusto 1/2025.





Nyyssönen, J. (2024). Warming sciencescapes in Inari, Finland : the competing futures of forests, pastures, and reindeer during climate change. Kulturstudier, 14(2), 94–118. https://doi.org/10.7146/ks.v14i2.152405