Warming sciencescapes in Inari, Finland
the competing futures of forests, pastures, and reindeer during climate change
Prognostic narratives, Climate change, Research on pasture ecology, forestry and reindeer herding, Inari, Finland, Reindeer, 2000s-2020sResumé
This paper asks, how research has produced prognostic narratives on sub-arctic forest ecosystem? Inari, located in the Sámi homeland, has been a site for recurring conflicts between reindeer herders and foresters over usage of the forests. Research has contributed to the dispute by producing prognoses of ecological trends in forests/ pastures. The need for solutions has become more compelling as changes induced by climate change have grown in number and severity. A siloed production of knowledge is evident, where each research cluster advances technical or traditionalist futureoriented practices as solutions to the accumulating problems.
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This article is an updated and revisioned version of an earlier publication (forthcoming), Inarin metsien käytön kilpailevat tutkimusprognoosit ilmastonmuutoksen oloissa, to be published in Vuosilusto 1/2025.
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