
Nye bevægelser i forskning og formidling


sound studies, lydkultur, museologi, lydhistorie, byens sprog


Andersen, Kasper H. 2020: ”Hvis man spidsede ører. Lyduniverser på land og i by i middelalderens Danmark” i Mikkel Leth Pedersen og Mikkel Thelle, red.: Land og by på tværs 1000-1800 – Festskrift til Bjørn Poulsen. Århus Universitetsforlag, s. 489-518.

Arnold-De Simine, Silke 2013: Mediating Memory in the Museum. Palgrave/Macmillan.

Atkinson, Rowland. 2007: “The Ecology of Sound: The Sonic Order of Urban Space” in Urban Studies, 44:10, s. 1905-1917.

Attali, Jacques 1985: Noise: The Political Economy of Music, oversat af Brian Massumi fra Bruits: Essai sur l’économie politique de la musique. Paris, 1977. Manchester UP.

Augoyard, Jean-François and Henry Torgue (red.) 2006: Sonic Experience: A Guide to Everyday Sounds. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Bailey, Peter. 1996: “Breaking the Sound Barrier: A Historian listens to noise” i Body & Society, 2:2, s. 49-66.

Bendix, Regina 2000: “The Pleasures of the Ear: Toward an Ethnography of Listening” i Cultural Analysis, 1, s. 33-51.

Bijsterveld, Karin. 2001: “The Diabolical Symphony of the Mechanical Age: Technology and Symbolism of Sound in European and North American Noise Abatement Campaigns, 1900-40” i Social Studies of Science, 31:1, s. 37-70

Bijsterveld, Karin. 2008: Mechanical Sounds: Technology, Culture, and Public Problems of Noise in the Twentieth Century. MIT Press.

Boutin, Aimée 2015: City of Noise: Sound and Nineteenth Century Paris. UI Press.

Coates, Peter A. 2005: “The Strange Stillness of the Past: Toward an Environmental History of Sound and Noise” i Environmental History, 10:4, s. 636-665.

Corbin, Alain 1998: Village Bells: Sound & Meaning in the 19th Century French Countryside. Columbia University Press.

Corbin, Alain 1986: The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination. Harvard University Press.

Cox, Christopher: “Beyond Representation and Signification: Toward a Sonic Materialism“ i Journal of Visual Culture, 10:2, s. 145-161.

Damsholt, Tine 2008: “The Sound of Citizenship” i Ethnologia Europaea, 38:1, s. 56-65.

de Jong, Steffi 2018: The Witness as Object. Berghahn.

Douglas, Mary. 1966: Purity and Danger. Routledge.

Douglas, Mary. 1968: “Pollution.” In David L. Sills red.: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, s.336-341. London: Macmillan.

Feld, Steven 2015: “Acoustemology” i Novak, David og Sakaneeky,

Matt, red.: Keywords in Sound. Duke University Press, s. 12-21.

Goldsmith, Mike 2012: Discord: The Story of Noise. Oxford University Press.

Heinsen, Johan 2017: Mutiny in the Danish Atlantic World: Convicts, sailors and a dissonant empire, Bloomsbury Academic.

Jensen, Erik Granly, Kreutzfeldt, Jakob, Michelsen, Morten og Svendsen, Erik (red.) 2015: Radioverdener: Auditiv kultur, historie og arkiver. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Kelman, Ari Y. 2010: “Rethinking the Soundscape: A Critical Genealogy of a Key Term in Sound Studies”. The Senses and Society, bd. 5, nr. 2, s. 212–234.

Krause, Bernie 2015: Voices of the Wild: Animal Songs, Human Din, and the Call to Save Natural Soundscapes: Yale University Press.

Langen, Ulrik 2009: ”Den æresløse ordensmagt – Kampen om byrummet mellem vægtere, gardere og pøbel i 1700-tallets København” i Fortid og Nutid, 2009:1, s. 83-106.

Levin, David Michael, red. 1993: Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision. Berkeley.

Llano, Samuel. 2018: “Mapping Street Sounds in the Nineteenth-Century City: A listener’s guide to social engineering” i Sound Studies, (May 2018), s. 1-19.

Lønstrup, Ansa og Rørdam Larsen, Charlotte 2021: “Animerende lyd” i Lise Skytte Jacobsen; Ane Hejlskov Larsen; Vinnie Nørskov: Museologi mellem fagene. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, s. 291-316.

Meyer, Frank 2015: Gjennom lydmuren! Internasjonal forskning om historiske klangunivers og lyden af historien, i Norsk Historisk Tidsskrift, 94, s. 357-383

Meyer, Frank (red.) 2018: Norges lyder. Stabbursklokker og storbykakofoni. Oslo.

Morat, Daniel, (red.) 2014: Sounds of Modern History: Auditory Cultures in 19th- and 20th-Century Europe. Berghahn.

Mortensen, Christian Hviid 2012: “A Museological Approach: Radio as Immaterial Heritage”, i Sound Effects – An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, 2, s. 21-35.

Müller, Jürgen 2012: “The Sound of History and Acoustic Memory: Where Psychology and History Converge.” i Culture & Psychology, 18:4, s. 443–464.

Novak, David 2015: “Noise” i David Novak and Matt Sakakeeny (eds.), Keywords in Sound: Towards a Conceptual Lexicon. Duke University Press, s. 125-138.

Parby, Jakob Ingemann 2021: ”Stemmer fra kolonierne. Et kritisk blik på Nationalmuseets nye permanente koloniudstilling” i Historisk Tidsskrift, 120:1, s. 219-41.

Payer, Peter 2018: Der Klang der Grossstadt – Eine Geschichte des Hörens, Wien 1850-1914, Böhlau Verlag.

Payer, Peter 2007: “The Age of Noise – Early Reactions in Vienna”, Journal of Urban History, 33:5, s. 773-793.

Pinch, Trevor og Bijsterveld, Karin, red.: The Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies. Oxford.

Rosenfeld, Sonia 2011: ”On Being Heard: A Case for Paying Attention to the Historical Ear” i American Historical Review, 116:2, s. 316-334.

Schafer, R. Murray 1969: The New Soundscape: A Handbook for the Modern Music Teacher. Associated Music Publishers. New York.

Schafer, Raymond Murray 1977/1994: The Soundscape. Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World, Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books.

Schulze, Holger 2018: The Sonic Persona, New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

Schulze, Holger 2021: The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Anthropology of Sound, New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

Simpson, Paul. 2016: “Sonic affects and the production of space: ‘Music by handle’ and the politics of Street Music in Victorian London” i Cultural Geographies, 24:1, s. 89-109. DOI: 0.1177/1474474016649400

Smith, Mark M. 2001: Listening to Nineteenth Century America. London/Chapel Hill.

Smith, Mark M. 2011: “The Garden in the Machine: Listening to Early American Industrialization” in Handbook of Sound Studies, ed. Karin Bijsterveld and Trevor Pinch. Oxford UP.

Smith, Mark M. 2014: ”Futures of Hearing Pasts” in Morat, red.: Sounds of Modern History: Auditory Cultures in 19th and 20th Century. Berghahn.

Sterne, Jonathan 2003: The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction. Duke University Press.

Sterne, Jonathan 2012: The Sound Studies Reader. Abingdon.

Thompson, Emily 2004: The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900–1933. MIT Press.

Vallgårda, Karen 2013: ”Følelseshistorie – Teoretiske brudflader og udfordringer” i Kulturstudier, 4:2, s. 87-113.

Voegelin, Salome 2014: Sonic Possible Worlds: Hearing the Continuum of Sound. Bloomsbury Academic.

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Lydkultur: Nye bevægelser i forskning og formidling. (2021). Kulturstudier, 12(2), 5–17. Hentet fra