Et videnserhverv i støbeskeen – træk af ledelseskonsulentbranchens historie i Danmark
I de sidste 20-30 år har der fundet en betydelig erhvervsmæssig aktivitet og -beskæftigelse sted inden for området forretningsservice. Artiklen sætter fokus på den historiske udvikling, som ledelseskonsulentbranchen har gennemløbet fra en beskeden start omkring 1945 frem til i dag, hvor branchen i et betydeligt omfang giver beskæftigelse til højtuddannede medarbejdere (erhvervsøkonomer, nationaløkonomer, politologer, ingeniører m.fl.). I en erhvervshistorisk sammenhæng er den danske ledelseskonsulentbranche underbelyst – dens baggrund og udviklingsforløb – hvilket artiklen søger at råde bod på. Et gennemgående tema i artiklen er den amerikanisering, som har præget branchen igennem hele perioden. Over en 80-årig periode redegøres der for konsulentbranchens udviklingsdynamik, transformation og stigende internationalisering, herunder dens betydning for kunder og det omgivende samfund m.fl. Som kommercielt vidensområde diskuteres afslutningsvis branchens professionelle identitet og renommé.
The History of the Danish Management Consulting Industry, 1945-2020
The article focuses on the historical development of the Danish management consulting industry from a modest start around 1945 to the present day. Over an 80-year period, the dynamics, transformation and increasing internationalization of the management consulting industry are explained, including its importance for clients and the surrounding society, etc. In the wake of the Marshall plan, the management consulting industry had emerged through three main phases of development. In the first wave (the Scientific Management era), the management consulting industry focused on rationalization and efficiency improvements of work functions and processes in industrial factories and offices. The inspiration came almost exclusively from the USA. The second wave (the Planning era) - spanning from mid-1960s to the 1980s - concentrated on advising top management on corporate strategy and organizational structure. The third wave (the IT and systems era) – a period characterized by globalization and industry convergence of consulting areas - the consulting industry developed and offered new information and communication technology solutions to its clients. Throughout the entire period, a common theme of the article is the Americanization of the management consulting industry as well as its professional identity and reputation is discussed.
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