

  • Dansk Dansk


Med en ét-årig sproglig handelseksamen i bagagen blev forfatteren fra 1970 udlært hos shippingfirmaet Wendelbo Nielsen & Co./Lehmann Junior på Aarhus havn, hvor han arbejdede frem til 1987. Herefter skiftede han job til Falcks vagtcentral i Aarhus, og efter endnu en afstikker til havnen, nemlig hos Århus Stevedore Kompagni fra 1991 til 1996, vendte han tilbage til Falck, hvor han rundede arbejdslivet af, da han gik på efterløn i 2011.

Ole Ryolf har således delt sit arbejdsliv mellem sine to store interesser, som blev grundlagt allerede i barndommen: skibsfarten og Falcks Redningskorps. I disse erindringer fortæller han løst og fast fra disse virksomheder, om arbejdsfunktioner, arbejdskulturen, om festligheder og dertil en række mindeværdige oplevelser. I erindringerne møder vi blandt meget andet synet på indførelse af EDB. Et kamera har altid været Ole Ryolfs trofaste følgesvend, hvilket afspejles i artiklen.


With an exam form from the business College, the author in 1973 finished training as a shippingman after three years apprenticeship with the shipping company Wendelbo Nielsen & Co./Lehmann Junior at Aarhus harbour. He worked there until 1987. During those years, he worked together with many foreign shipping companies, such as Japanese Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Brazilian Aliança, and Lloyd Brasileiro, Argentinean Empresa Lineas Maritimas Argentinas, East German DSR as well as companies from West Germany and other countries.

In 1987 he changed his profession and became a dispatcher at the Danish private salvage organization Falck, but a few years later, now working in the check-in-gate in the container terminal at Århus Stevedore Kompagni. He worked there from 1991 until 1996, and then returned to Falck, where he worked until his retirement in 2011.

Ole Ryolf split his working life between his two big interests, both formed in his childhood: shipping and Falck. In his memoirs, he talks about many things, big and small, from his time, like work functions, work culture, celebrations and many memorable events. In the memories, we learn – among many other things – his opinion about the appearance of EDB. All those years, a camera has been Oles faithfull follower – this is clearly seen in his posts.




How to Cite

Dansk, D. (2023). Dansk. Erhvervshistorisk Årbog, 72(1-2), 98–139. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/eaa/article/view/142765



Virksomhedsportrætter og erindringer