

  • Dansk


Selvom den seneste internationale økonomiske krise – The Great Recession – og den nuværende Covid-19 pandemi fik flere til at sætte et spørgsmålstegn ved validiteten af den herskende makroøkonomiske mainstream, er det stadigvæk denne tænkning med deres DSGE-modeller, som på central vis indtager den makroøkonomiske scene i Danmark som internationalt. Men findes der et relevant alternativ hertil? Og hvad er det mere præcist, som en sådan tilgang har at tilbyde? Dette essay handler om mainstreams DSGE-modeller samt det heterodokse alternativ, og hvordan man kan undervise i makroteori.


After the Great Recession and the Pandemic – must mainstream macroeconomics change to become better in accordance with facts of real life?

Today, the scene of macroeconomics is still dominated by the New Neoclassical Synthesis, NNS, and the DSGE models. Although exposed to criticism by the events of the Great Recession and the nature of the current Pandemic there do not seem to be a macroeconomic revolution in sight for the near future. But must the mainstream change to become better in accordance with facts of real life? And is there really no relevant heterodox alternative to the NNS? Moreover, how should you teach macroeconomics the right way?




How to Cite

Dansk. (2022). Dansk. Erhvervshistorisk Årbog, 71(2), 65–76. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/eaa/article/view/135334


