Vamos para Rua! Taking to the Streets Protest in Brazil

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Rubia R. Valente
Jennifer S. Holmes


The unprecedented protests that unfolded in June 2013 in Brazil, surprised even the most observant Brazilian scholars. A local conflict over the increase of public transportation fare took an unexpected turn and ignited a massive nationwide mobilization. These protests have perplexed many because Brazil was not experiencing the context of economic or political instabilities that are common to other countries around the world, where massive protests have emerged. Using data from the World Values Survey, we developed a general analysis highlighting individual factors that were significant in explaining protest participation among Brazilians to shed light on possible indicators that could have predicted the recent mobilizations. In particular, this work seeks to understand the extent to which a change from materialist to post-materialist values, as theorized by Inglehart (1971), could contribute towards explaining the recent protests in Brazil. Our findings demonstrate that post-materialist values are a significant explanatory force in determining political participation in Brazil.

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How to Cite
Valente, R. R., & Holmes, J. S. (2017). Vamos para Rua! Taking to the Streets Protest in Brazil. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 5(2), 281–306.
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Author Biographies

Rubia R. Valente, The University of Texas at Dallas

School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences
Research Associate


Jennifer S. Holmes, The University of Texas at Dallas

Professor of Political Science, Public Policy and Political Economy
Program Head of Political Science, Public Policy and Political Economy


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