Rio's Feminist Funk: An Undulating Curve of Shifting Perspectives

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Kate Lyra


By looking at the growth of rap and favela funk as it begins to acquire visibility among the Brazilian middle class in Rio de Janeiro, this article analyzes black women performers of funk and rap who have negotiated the use of the pejorative depictions of women inherent to the genre to express a type of empowerment. Exploring the transitions between generations of feminist thought and practice, I explore the resonance of gender ideologies with working-class and racialized women rap and funk performers. The article emphasizes the importance of these performers for voice and visibility, preparing the stage for a fourth wave of feminism erupting through but transcending lipstick, libido and microphones

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Como Citar
Lyra, K. (2016). Rio’s Feminist Funk: An Undulating Curve of Shifting Perspectives. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 4(2), 343–371.


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