“Esculacho” and other spoken meanings of pacification in Rio de Janeiro

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Alba Zaluar


Broad approach to what we called “Perceptions of Leadership, 'State Lies,' and the Esculacho in the Favela: The Anthropology of Pacification in Rio de Janeiro.” Based on the idea that there is great diversity among and within favelas. Their specific histories in building associations and in developing drug traffic, as well as the local UPP style of handling local affairs, are the keys for understanding the open conflicts or the cooperation between police and dwellers. Since favelas do not have the same history, since the commander style varies, since practices of officers and soldiers in UPPs are not homogeneous, one cannot generalize how residents evaluate and accept this new policing inside favelas. Zaluar’s original fieldwork consists of interviews of UPP officers, community leaders, and favela dwellers, and ultimately paints a nuanced picture of an entire spectrum of reactions to UPPs.

Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
Zaluar, A. (2016). “Esculacho” and other spoken meanings of pacification in Rio de Janeiro. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 4(2), 134–162. https://doi.org/10.25160/bjbs.v4i2.22170
Biografia do Autor




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