Stabilization as the securitization of Peacebuilding? The experience of Brazil and MINUSTAH in Haiti

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Thomaz Alexandre Mayer Napoleão
Mariana Alves da Cunha Kalil


The acknowledgement that many vulnerable societies relapse into violence in the aftermath of the withdrawal of peacekeeping operations has underscored the imperative of developing sustainable exit strategies. Stabilization has hence emerged as a possible means to promote short-term security while avoiding direct political responsibility over complex crises, but the meaning of the term and its consequences remain disputed. The aim of this contribution is to examine the conceptual, academic and diplomatic debate over the concept of stabilization in peace operations by addressing the case of the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH), and Brazil’s multidimensional role in it.

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Como Citar
Napoleão, T. A. M., & Kalil, M. A. da C. (2015). Stabilization as the securitization of Peacebuilding? The experience of Brazil and MINUSTAH in Haiti. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 3(2), 87–112.
Biografia do Autor

Thomaz Alexandre Mayer Napoleão, Thomaz Napoleão (MSc in International Security, Paris Institute of Political Science; MA in Diplomacy, Rio Branco Institute) is a Diplomat at the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations. The views expressed here are strictly personal and do not represent the Government of Brazil in any way.

Thomaz Napoleão (MSc in International Security, Paris Institute of Political Science/Sciences Po; MA in Diplomacy, Rio Branco Institute/IRBr; BA in International Relations, Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo/PUC-SP; BA in Journalism, University of São Paulo/USP) is a Diplomat at the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations. The views expressed here are strictly personal and do not represent the Government of Brazil in any way.

Mariana Alves da Cunha Kalil, Mariana Kalil (PhD Candidate in History of International Relations, University of Brasília/UnB) is a Professor at the Department of Defense & International Strategic Management of the Rio de Janeiro Federal University (DGEI/UFRJ) and at the Institute for Strategic Studies, Fluminense Federal University (INEST/UFF), besides representing Latin America at ISA Global South Caucus’ Executive Committee.

PhD Candidate, Institute of International Relations, University of Brasília; Assistant Professor, Department of Defense and International Strategic Logistics; Colaborating Professor, Institute for Strategic Studies, Fluminense Federal University; Executive Representative, ISA Global South Caucus; Master in International and Comparative Politics, Institute of International Relations, University of Brasília; BA in International Relations, Institute of International Relations, Pontiphical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) with complementary education in Asia Studies at Hawai'i Pacific University, US.