Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies will publish an interdisciplinary dossier in December 2021 on the relationship between the military and politics. The aim of this thematic issue is to provide a multifaceted contribution to understand how Brazil’s military has developed such a highly contentious position within the country’s modern socio-political history.

Scholarship on the Brazilian Military regime, re-democratization, and civil-military relations in Brazil is consolidated and robust. However, there still lacks a multidisciplinary approach to understand the pervasive presence of the military in the Brazilian political arena from a broader perspective. Brazil is seeing an increasing presence of military in power today. Academia and civil society alike are questioning the potential implications of such levels of militarization within a democracy, especially in a country still under the shadows of a military dictatorship (1964-1985). Furthermore, civil-military relations in Brazil have not developed in the same way as in the Europe or North America, and the case of Brazil can provide a significant addition to the global debate on the relationship between the military and politics.

The editors welcome submissions addressing questions and topics such as:

  • The relationship between the military and politics in Brazil in a global and/or comparatist perspective.
  • What does it mean to have military forces at the centre stage of a nation’s historical trajectory and construction?
  • What has been the consequences and impacts of the presence of the military on Brazil’s domestic and foreign politics?
  • What conceptual and methodological tools might be helpful to better understand civil-military relations in Brazil?
  • How does such presence has influenced the social imaginary of the country?
  • Relevant responses (e.g. cultural; creative; societal etc.) to the presence of the military in government in Brazil.
  • Other relevant topics related to the theme of the dossier.

 We accept publications in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Authors must adhere to the guidelines and submit texts onlineusing the appropriate template by the 30th August 2021. Submission link:

This issue will have as guest editors Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho, Eleonora Natale, and Anna Grimaldi, alongside the editor-in-chief Felipe Botelho Correa (King’s College London).

We look forward to reading your submissions.

Best Regards,

Brasiliana Editorial Team