O feminino no discurso policial militar: da “ordem unida” ao “espírito de corpo”

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Geórgia Ferreira


The materialist Discourse Analysis (AD) was pioneered by Michel Pêcheux, epistemologically constituting a non-subjective theory of subjectivity where the subject is not the owner of his/her speech, but is affected by ideology, history and unconscious. Its object, discourse, is defined as the effect of meaning between points A and B, which are the representations of subjects in the discourse based on the conjunction between language and history. Knowing that the body, in the field of AD, is considered a discursive materiality, we consider that it is the object of ideological inscription and of values ​​and attributes that contribute to the construction of the identity processes of the subjects, constituting them in a socio-social position or form. historic. In this sense, we seek to reflect in this article on the ways in which the female body was represented and constructed discursively in the military police discourse. For this purpose, the chosen corpus was an article published in the Jornal A Tarde, in the 1990s, which portrayed the beginning of the training of the first women to join the ranks of the Military Police of Bahia (PMBA). We seek, therefore, to think about the ways in which the female body was discursive based on norms, rules and military police aesthetics, highlighting, through discursive memory, the role of historicity and the concept of subjecting the subject, crossed by language and history and questioned by ideology, thus using the analytical categories of AD as a theoretical and methodological support.

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How to Cite
Ferreira, G. (2022). O feminino no discurso policial militar: da “ordem unida” ao “espírito de corpo”. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.25160/bjbs.v10i2.127769


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