Um novo imaginário nacional? O humor gráfico publicado na imprensa independente brasileira durante a progressiva redemocratização

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Mélanie Toulhoat


In this article, we propose a reflection on the political challenges faced by various forms of graphic humor, published in independent Brazilian journals during the second half of the 1970s. Coming from so-called minority groups, such as homosexual collectives, black movements and environmental groups, the demands were raised against authoritarianism and repression by the military regime, but also against the conservatism prevailing within the democratic opposition movements, in the ranks of the traditional left. The struggle against prejudice and the convergence of groups occupied significant visual space in the pages of the periodical Lampião da Esquina, published between 1978 and 1981. Together with the monthly magazine Versus, published between 1975 and 1979, and some periodicals that fought to preserve nature and indigenous lands, it was one of those innovative and militant editorial projects that formulated alternative proposals for a national multicultural project rooted in Latin America, as a response to a vision of Brazil inserted within the western, Christian bloc and aligned with the politics of the United States.

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How to Cite
Toulhoat, M. (2020). Um novo imaginário nacional? O humor gráfico publicado na imprensa independente brasileira durante a progressiva redemocratização. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 9(1), 312–331.


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