Den sidste urnegrav fra Tombølgård – en jernaldergrav med træskrin og en bronzealder celt
This article presents the last of the graves
excavated in 2018 at the Tombølgård cemetery
site on Als. The cemetery site dates
to the Early Roman Iron Age, B 1 and B 2.
The site is known from a small excavation
of a single urn in 1932, and from metal
detector finds found between 2016 and
2018, and finally from the excavation in
2018. The grave goods from this last cremation
grave from 2018 include a silver
hair pin, shears, knives, and the remains
of a lock for a wooden box. The box had
probably contained some odd and old objects,
which were found in the urn. These
objects suggest that the deceased may
have had a significant role in the society
at the time.
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