Højhave – ein reich ausgestattetes Frauengrab der jüngeren Wikingerzeit bei Hadersleben
In August 2020, a metal detectorist found
fragments from a copper-alloy basin and
a wooden lid above a ploughed over burial
mound, about 7 km south of Haderslev. A
trial excavation carried out a few days later
could demonstrate that the artifacts came
from a 2.0 m wide and minimum 2.6 m long
chamber grave aligned southwest-northeast.
Only 5 – 10 cm of the fill was preserved.
During this trial excavation more fragments
of the copper-alloy basin were found,
two tongue-shaped Jellinge style brooches,
dating to c. 900 – 970 AD, iron fragments of
a wooden bucket and other iron fragments.
Without doubt, the burial was severely endangered
by further ploughing.
During the rescue excavation in autumn
2021, it was possible to excavate the
grave, financed by The Agency of Culture
and Palaces and Museum Sønderjylland.
Although the base of the grave was only
few centimetres below the topsoil, skeletal
remains were preserved, and the artifacts
were still in situ. The deceased woman lay
in the middle of the 5.4 m² large wooden
chamber. In addition to the objects already
mentioned, the grave also contained
a wooden casket, a key, a game board, a
knife, a pair of shears, glass beads, silver
fragments, and a third brooch.
The chamber grave from Højhave is one
of the most well-equipped women’s graves
from Viking age Denmark.
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