Eine Siedlungskammer der späten Römischen Kaiser- und Völkerwanderungszeit von Flintbek, Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde
The area around Flintbek in the Rendsburg-
Eckernförde district was previously
known primarily for the numerous grave fi
nds from the Stone and Bronze Ages. Settlements
were hardly detectable. Archaeological
sites from the late Roman and Migration
Periods have so far been completely
absent. During 2020 and 2021, three excavations
took place as part of the development
of new building areas in the periphery of
Flintbek. The sites are settlements from the
late Roman Iron Age and Migration Period
with numerous structures and homesteads.
These sites are special, not just because they
are the first evidence of sites of this date in
the Flintbek area, but above all because of
the very well-preserved settlement structures.
Noteworthy are the types of houses
that are rare and unusual for the area. Socalled
corridor houses appear at the Flintbek
sites LA 186 and LA 192, which were previously
only known from two other sites in
Schleswig-Holstein. Outstanding, however,
are the strong influences in house construction
from the north or the area of northern
Schleswig-Holstein and southern Jutland
that can be observed on all three settlement
areas, which were previously rarely seen in
this form for the Holstein area. The Jutlandic
influence manifests itself more clearly in the
form of ship-shaped house plans and houses
that have their best parallels on Danish sites such as Vorbasse. There are also mixed forms
that point to both northern and eastern traditions.
Paved paths and squares also point
to connections to the north, which until now
were virtually unknown to settlements of this
time on the Schleswig-Holstein mainland.
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