Der Fundplatz von Mang de Bargen – Ein bronzezeitliches Gräberfeld in Schleswig-Holstein
The Mang de Bargen site near Bornhöved
(district of Segeberg), once the target of gravel
works, developed into one of the best-dated
Bronze Age sites in Schleswig-Holstein. The
burial ground was used from the Late Neolithic
to the Pre-Roman Iron Age for burying
the dead. For this long period of use, several
cultural changes, including burial rites, furnishings
and further activities can be traced.
The consistent dating of almost all the graves
allows in particular concretising the change
from inhumation to cremation and the transition
from burial mounds with tree coffins to
the beginning of the use of urns in northern
Germany. Anthropological analyses of the
cremations from Mang de Bargen and other
sites in the area also reveal the age-related
placement and furnishings, which motivate
new discussions. The aim of this contribution
is to present and discuss the latest results
from the site and the surrounding area.
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