Neue Forschungen zu Burg Brink in Ballum-Østerende, Kommune Tønder
New archaeological research on Brink
Castle has enriched our knowledge about
this medieval site. Everyday life on “hovedgård
Brink” was already known from its
accountings written in 1388 / 89. The recent
excavations revealed this “gård” (farmstead)
being a heavily fortified castle with
solid curtain walls and a wide moat. Its
fortified inner area of about 60 × 45 m
nearly matches the size of the inner castles
of Vordingborg, Hammershus, Kalundborg,
or Nyborg and makes Brink to one
of the largest Danish castles. This size, its
exposed topography and its broad range
of finds dating back to the 13th century, resembles
an older, hypothetic royal castle
at Brink site that once was given to Ribe
bishopric. Further research is needed on
this site.
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