Der letzte Wikinger? Ein Wrack aus dem 12. Jahrhundert bei Fahrdorf, Kr. Schleswig-Flensburg
This paper shows how Structure from
Motion, a technique for documentation
and measuring three-dimensional structures
from two-dimensional images, can
be applied to archaeological investigations
in low visibility waters. The background
for this study is provided by the archaeological
surveys of the Study Group for
Maritime and Limnic Archaeology of the
Kiel University (AMLA) from the years
2015 – 2017.
Due to the low visibility in the water, it
often proves difficult to get a clear overview
of the investigated site. In these cases,
the Structure from Motion technology
presents a simple technique for the archaeologist
to get an entire overview of the
site. The paper describes the development
and implementation of the method by the
example of the research done by AMLA at
the so-called Fahrdorf-Wreck. Due to the
data gathered so far, it is not only possible
to date the wreck, but also to make basic
statements about its construction and
position. A good state of research in the
Schlei region (Schleswig-Holstein) gives
the opportunity to compare the wreck
with other contemporary wrecks found in
the region as well as to establish a general
historical background for the site.
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