Teachers’ learning of ambitious mathematics teaching as changes in pedagogical discourse


  • Kjersti Wæge
  • Olaug Ellen Lona Svingen




This study investigates changes in teachers’ pedagogical discourse as they participate in a professional development project. Fourteen Norwegian elementary-school teachers collaborate in learning cycles where the overarching aim is to learn ambitious mathematics teaching. Data from interviews with two groups of teachers are analysed. The findings reveal significant changes in the teachers’ pedagogical discourse: valuing new teaching practices, talking about more specific aspects of ambitious teaching and making references to student learning. The findings also reveal a shift in the teachers’ pedagogical discourse around struggling students.


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How to Cite

Wæge, K., & Svingen, O. E. L. (2023). Teachers’ learning of ambitious mathematics teaching as changes in pedagogical discourse. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 28(1-2), 79–98. https://doi.org/10.7146/nomad.v28i1-2.149259


