Formative assessment – from the view of special education teachers in mathematics


  • Catarina Andersson



The potential of using formative assessment is well demonstrated, but studies about the use of formative assessment from a special education perspective are lacking. This study adds to this gap by investigating the view of formative assessment in a group of 39 special education teachers in mathematics (SETMs) who had learned about formative assessment within the SETM-program 2–6 years earlier. Five respondent interviews were used to design a questionnaire answered by the rest of the group. The SETMs had perceived formative assessment beneficial and useful in all their common sub-responsibilities and reported experiences of benefits as well as challenges. The article discusses the importance of reaching an inclusive formative assessment practice in mathematics education.


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How to Cite

Andersson, C. (2020). Formative assessment – from the view of special education teachers in mathematics. NOMAD Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 25(3-4), 73–93.


